Real Estate Blog

The Brexit referendum, what to expect in the Spanish real estate sector after June 2016?

Spanish Property Market in 2016.

During last year, 2015, the British citizens were the foreign ones who bought most in Spain with a 21%.

If after the Brexit the U.K. stays in the E.U. this percentage may not vary a lot, but in the case of an exit from the E.U. the effects on the amount of purchases in Spain will depend on the future exchange rate of the Sterling – Euro.

It seems that the more extended opinion between the finantial experts is that an exit would cause a slight devaluation of the British pound and therefore a decrease of the purchases in Spain.

This fact, together with the one that in some areas on the coast there has been slight increases in the property prices, would cause a loss of purchasing power for the British.The duration of this effect will depend on the future evolution of the Sterling exchange rate.

The Brexit referendum will take place on the 23rd of June 2016.

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