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Welcome to housealicante.
"We are looking, among others, for villas near Alicante and Playa de San Juan to put up for sale."
Advantages of collaborating with housealicante:
1- Agility in the sale of your house, professional presentation of your home and good diffusion in the market.
2- Agents with experience in the foreign market.
3- Straightforward collaboration agreement. Our goal is to help you sell your home. Ask us also if you want a more extensive agency service for the sale and sale of your home.
4- Contact us for any question that may arise regarding collaboration with your real estate agency, varieties of collaboration, etc. … ..Even if you think your house is in an area where we do not work, contact us, if we can, we will recommend another of our collaborators.
5- Each sales project is different, valuations, commercialization, marketing…. let's talk about it.
Fill in the form or contact us directly requesting information without obligation, we will send it to you with pleasure or if it suits you better we will give it to you on a visit to your home to meet us.
Or call us if you prefer ... thanks and see you soon!
Manuel de Elías
Economist - real estate consultant.
* Registered in the Mandatory Registry of Real Estate Brokerage Agents of the Valencian Community under number 13.
NOTE – you can contact us by videoconference, Facebook and Whatsapp, just call us, request your meeting and we will discuss your case.
Whatsapp: 627 268 336
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/housealicante/